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Test Automation


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Test Automation

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Test automation: how to ensuring projects success?

How many of you have never had problems to automate your software testing?

Did you know that 60% of functional test automation projects fail?

Often too complicated and expensive to maintain, there are many causes of failure. Discover the method to use.

Avoid the traps !

In order to avoid the traps, it is imperative to elaborate a real software test automation strategy of course, but you must also be able to understand the usefulness of a test automation framework and know how to choose the right one in relation to its needs and technical constraints.

At ALL4TEST, we are convinced by the essential role of tests in the creation of quality software, we want to democratize tests and their automation, by making structural technological choices and good test automation practices accessible.

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With the deployment of agility in the company, then subsequently the implementation of DevOps, working methods have evolved and the frequency of software delivery has increased. The question is therefore no longer: is it useful or profitable to automate the functional tests of my software?

Indeed, it is simply no longer possible to guarantee current delivery rates without automating these tests, at least in part. The challenge is to know how to automate these tests with an “industrial” approach and guarantee that the test automation will work throughout the life of the product..

But the context can be different: between automating a history of TNR (legacy) that is several years old and automating the testing of new functions in an agile team, the need is not the same. Automate tests of mobile, web or ERP applications, here too the technical constraints are different. It is therefore necessary to clearly define the scope of your automation project at the beginning of the project, who will be responsible for supervising the project, but also for maintaining it.

In order to provide concrete answers to this problem, we have structured a specific service offer in 4 modules that you can use separately or in their entirety according to your needs.

Test automation

Audit – Tools – Achieve – Maintain

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Audit of your internal needs: There are several types of automated testing frameworks. ALL4TEST will propose or develop for you the framework which suits you best and will assist you with good user practices and the choice of different approaches. • Automation of your heritage of non-regressi • The maintenance strategy is a crucial point because maintenance costs are an important part of your project
• Analysis of the maturity of your teams on test automation • Data approach • BDD approach to facilitate automation in each sprint for your new developmentson tests (legacy) • Compliance with “ALL4TEST best practices” in phase 3 will reduce these costs
• Quality audit • Keyword approach • Integration of the automated test framework with your CI/CD chain if you have implemented a DevOPs approach • We can offer you to manage this phase on our outsourced test platforms (TRA) or to train your internal DEV teams or internal QA resources to keep your automated test platform alive for many years!
• Analysis of the development technologies used for your code, frequency of delivery, agile organization… • Hybrid approach • Implementation of technologies such as Selenium Grid and/or Docker (container) to run your tests in parallel on several virtual servers and do “test as a service”. You can mount your test configurations on the fly and in the cloud according to your needs. The execution time of your automated test campaigns will thus be reduced.
• Behavior Driven Approach (BDD)

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Learn more about the Clean test approach, tooled coaching inspired by Clean Code concept.

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